Thursday, September 2, 2010


For those mother and fathers wanting to know how to make a plant cell project made out of food came to the right place.  When I search for pictures and examples of what was in store for me i kept coming across blogs or site that was to confusing and couldnt get to the point now a day its good to get info but who has the time to keep reading?  Not me i want to know what i need, what it looks like (so maybe i can choose my own things), and what is what on the model.  Below i have posted two pictures what the names are on the model (for even though we all went to school many years we tend to forget the little things lol).  Well cutting all this small talk out here we go

short sweet and so simple

Both examples are short sweet and very easy to understand.  Below is a list of things i used to make my plant cell project above.  All time toghether was about 30 mintues and i made a 1/2 sheet cake.


choclate chips- was used for the Ribosomes
lime jello-chloroplast
mixed bag of gum drops- purple gum drop- Amylosplast
                                     - white- nucleolus
A bag of mini marshmellows
                                          -smush about 10 marshmellows until it looks like a flat circle (well make two flat circles) and take red food color to one pile and blue food coloring for the other pile
a pack of food colors with green, red yellow, blue will be perfect.
long sticks of green laffey taffy- you can stretch it out to go around the plant model for the cell wall or cell membrane.
and res laffy taffy sticks for the mitochondrion this will be perfect because you can mold taffy and make it saty
last but not least the base of the plant, i used white cake mix with green food coloring was really fun to eat green cake and it taste really good.  Anyway     after i bake the green cake i mix the rest of my green food color to my frosting to get the whole cake green.  Well i hope this will help if not i will fix it to where you can understand.  xoxoxo